Tickled Pink Marshmallow Men

Color Me Katie? Have you seen her blog?
Highly recommend it. 
As cool as hers?....No.
Considerably more epic and tickled pink?... Yes. 

I saw these awesome marshmallow men, 
and well you see I wanted to make them!
So...I did. 
But what is an adventure if you have to do it alone?
It's nothing. 

So my best friend agreed to come along for the ride. 
I told you I would find something splendid in every day, 
today this was my something splendid. 
Silly & Splendid
Some say, why would you do that?
I say why would I not do that! 

So thanks Best Friend for humoring my silliness. 
...and finding some laughter in this splendid day :]

--But this is just another autobiography, examining the prosopography of me.
 By: Emma Marie.