I'm wishing for finality - an irreversible ending.
It's something that I won't have to argue or debate - or even decide.
It just is - how it is, and you leave it at that.
So this is how it is -
life is crazy,
I can't call my best friend,
I can't get on Facebook
I'm out of milk, cheese, bread,
really want some real flowers to go in the vase on our table,
and I have five tests to take in three days.
(Ya, you do that math on that one)
I think I am currently suffering from a
...ew that sounds gross if I say it like that -- erm try again
I think I am currently suffering from a
milk, flowers, sanity, cheese, best friend, bread, Facebook withdrawal.
It sucketh.
-Get more money to buy milk, bread, cheese
-Be more stable to have sanity, get on Facebook
-Wait until January to talk to my best friend and receive flowers
Days until I get more money: 9 days
Days until I'm stable: 3....9....28 days
Days until I get to talk to my best friend: 49 days
I have to survive the next nine days to survive
--But this is just another autobiography, examining the prosopography of me.
By: Emma Marie.
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