Take a Drive With Me

Have you seen The Lake House?
Well there is this cute scene where he leaves her a map and she goes around the city seeing the places he loves. 
Today, upon having little to do (once again) -- I made a list of things that I love in Downtown Provo. So, if you're not too busy and have an hour or so
......take a drive with me. 

Take a Drive With Me
Needed: A CD Player with Headphones, $10, one empty envelope, a few sheets of paper, a pen, a library card and a Designated Driver.
1. Drive down to Provo City Library, park in the underground parking. When you get out of your car say echo loudly. It echoes...haven't you just always wanted to do that? Yeah. I love it. If you have a reasonable singing voice, sing too....the acoustics are amazing. 
2. Walk up the stairs to the main floor, then up the other set to the 2nd set. Find Room 215. This is The Project Read Office, I spend 2-8 hours a week here. If you're interested, walk in, ask for a volunteer application. If it is an older lady, this is Sue. She may in fact be the nicest old lady alive. (besides your grandmother of course)
3. Walk back down to the main floor....and over to the music section. Look for the Rock Music Find the Beatles albums. Find the album "Love" and "Abbey Road" -- listen to Come Together and Blackbird. [I saw these LIVE, Blackbird is about segregation. Humbling isn't it? I love the power of music]
4. You should listen to them in the private study rooms, walk over to the desk ask for one, they'll take your library card. The rooms are sound proof (mostly - ha ha), so listen to the Beatles and feel free to sing along. 
5. Replace the CDs on the shelf. Find Scott L. Fitzgerald in the Fiction section, there is a rather old copy of the book "The Typhoon" -- go to page 188, third paragraph. This is what I never want a picture to be like. It is also the book in the library which I've always wanted to leave a letter in, because it looks like it's never been checked out. Take your envelope...find your own old book, leave someone a letter. Tell them who you are. Maybe you'll get a letter back?
6. Walk to the back of this section and upstairs via the back set of stairs. Welcome to the "God-Section" as I have fondly named it. This is what I imagine the inside of the God's Head looks like. It's a plethora of knowledge and it's all truth. (aka the Adult Non-Fiction Section)
7. Find section 618 -- these are the brain books, I love this section. 
8. Find section 770 -- this is the photography section, my second favorite section. 
9. Now back downstairs to the Children's section. Walk in, do you see the displays...yeah I think they're awesome too! Is the Lego one still up? It's my favorite. 
10. Find the Dr. Seuss books in the picture books. 
11. Read "How Lucky You Are" -- Feel lucky. 
12. Now read "Oh, the Places You'll Go" -- think about how lucky you are and all the things you can do! You're amazing. Just know that. 
13. Walk over to the mini-door by the computers. Don't you feel like a giant in this section? Empowering huh? Find your favorite picture book. Read it while sitting in the small chairs. 
14. Walk over to the Young Adult Fiction on the other side, Find the Magic Tree House books. (2nd row of books, in the middle, just for reference) -- I've read ALL of the them. 
15. Walk to the back in the corners, find your favorite childhood book, sit there and find your favorite part on the comfy cushions with the pillows. Cool huh? I used to sit there on my Saturdays and read when I was 10 or 11. I've never actually checked out a Magic Tree House book....I read them in this corner. The old library lady affectionately knew me as the "Corner Cutie"
16.  After that exit the library in which ever way you please. Drive to the 7-11 across the street, get a slurpee. Nothing like 7-11 slurpees. Drive down University Ave. Turn left on 100 North, then right on 100 East. Park in front of the large brick building, yes in those funny looking parking stalls. Walk down the alley. 
17. I know creep back way, but coming up on your left there should be Guru's back wall. Awesome Graffiti right? You now know one of my "not-so-secret" places I do pictures at.
18. Okay, no walk straight and get yourself back on Center Street. Walk down it.
 (optional or drive down it, do what you please. I know it's cold outside) 
19. Upon getting to Center Street walk across University Ave. There is a place called "Osaka" on your left hand side. It's a Japanese Restaurant, I love it. It also makes me think of the Coldplay song. Coldplay is my favorite band. 
20. Take a right, there you will see a little place called "Sammy's Cafe" -- go inside. The artwork is fabulous! I love it. Have a "Lil Tyke" off the menu...it's basically a mini-burger. Lotsa' taste for a small price. Or go with the grilled cheese, it's pretty good too. Get a classic soda, sit at the bar stools eat your burger. Check out the Polaroids. 
21. After leaving Sammie's drive down the street (or go back and get your car) turn right on Freedom Blvd. -- anytime I drive down this street I think about lucky I am to live in this country. Drive down it for awhile, look at the mountains around you, just think. It's amazing huh? 
22. On your right they'll be a shopping mall there is a $1.00 store called "Honk's" -- go inside, find glow in the dark stars, buy one package. You'll need them for later. Marvel at all the things you can get for a buck, don't you feel rich? 
23. Merge left, you're going to turn on University Ave
24. Turn left, get to the outside lane. Go to the Malt Shoppe 
26. Go to the counter, order your favorite shake. Mine is cookie dough :] Do you know why I love it? Because then you save all the cookie 'til the end, and you get to shove it all in your mouth and see if you can swallow. Try it, it's delicious. 
27. When you buy it, make sure to get change...you'll need a few quarters for the Juke Box.
28. Before you sit down to eat your shake, put a few quarters in the Juke Box, pick a song, maybe you know and oldie...listen to it. Afterwards make sure that you at least do a twirl to it. 
(yes I know it's embarrassing but do it - for me. Come on. ha ha)
29. After enjoying your shake (wasn't it delightful) -- drive down University towards the stadium. You'll cross Reams street. If you don't remember the Turtle Reams...I'm sorry. If you do -- remember it fondly at this moment. 
30. Look on your right, see the Stadium, my dad played football there -- in the game against Utah he played a whole quarter on a broken leg. He tried out for the Chicago Bears and got an offer. Ya, he was that good. Think about the cool stories your family has. Do you know them? 
31. As you're driving down University Ave enjoy the fact that you can legally go 50 mph. Turn right when you feel like it and make your way to Rock Canyon Park. 
32. When you arrive at Rock Canyon Park sit in your car for a bit, look out. Get out of your car (take your glow stars with you).Take a walk around the bowl, when you get too the far side look out across the valley. Isn't it an awesome place to live? Yeah. I think so too. 
33. Take out your glow stars, take one out of the package, hold one up in the sky with your hand. A big star, a little star, I don't know. Hold it up to the sun. Make a wish on it :]
34. Now cup it in your hands, does it glow? If it does...your wish came true. If it doesn't, run back to your car, hold it up to the lights in your car. Make the same wish. Cup it in your hands again -- does it glow now? Yeah...I bet it does ha ha -- your wish came true. I do this frequently and have a plethora of glow stars. It makes life fun. 
35. Sit in your car for just another moment....I want you to laugh, find anything to laugh about, anything to smile about. Just laugh out loud just to laugh. Smile because you're alive and you just did a bunch of fun things. Smile because you just took a drive with me, Emma Marie. 

-- well folks, that's all I have for you. If you're up for the challenge, take a drive with me. Find the things that are beautiful. If you do it, comment, take a few pictures, post on your blog about it. I have fun doing this....I love the place that I live, even if it is just P-town. 

-I'll make you a deal, if YOU post one of these on your blog -- I'll do it. So followers, the challenge is on. What do you love? How about you let me take a drive with you?

--But this is just another autobiography, examining the prosopography of me.
By: Emma Marie.

2 Responses so far.

  1. First off, I LOVE that movie! It's such a beautiful movie! And the ending... OH MY GOSH!!! Insanity!

    Second off, didn't read it, but I will do it. Possibly tomorrow. haha

    <3/ yams

  2. Ready to play? Because we are :)