Going to the Temple & We're Gonna Get Married

Congratulations Danielle & Garrett :)
Let's face it - they're kind of the cutest. Ever. 
I really also need to get a photography blog, but for now - all you can enjoy this beautiful couple here. 
Seeing this wedding today, it makes me want to get married. 
They're so blissful, so happy, so in love with each other. 
And you know the best part?
They get to spend an eternity together, 
an eternity laughing, an eternity smiling, an eternity growing together
I don't know about you -- but I'm excited. 
Granted, it does not mean it isn't without squabbles, without yelling, without fights -- 
whatever you want to call it. 
It isn't perfect - but what you're saying when you get married, 
is I love us. I will love us forever, no matter what happens. 
-- again, congratulations you two & thanks for letting me be there!

--But this is just another autobiography, examining the prosopography of me.
By: Emma Marie.